DISCLAIMER: All information represented on this page has been taken directly from verifed spam email. As spam often contains false information, company names and business addresses shown here might belong to a credible company not involved with spam or the SEO market. Use this information with the understanding that the parties mentioned may not be involved with the offense of spamming or scamming. Above all, be sure to research any company that you choose to deal with, especially if they are web-based.


Comment Spammer
Company Name:
Contact Name:
Email Address:
Ron Cheney
Business Address:
Email Address:
Ron Cheney

The Nuisance Rating is computed using the period of time from the first and last event, the total number of events, the frequency of events in a given time period, and how recent the last event was. Higher values represent a worse rating.

First Reported:
Last Reported:
Days Active:
Nuisance Rating (?):
Number of hits:

Most Recent Spam Email/Comment:

Date Received: 2010-01-27 14:37:56
Return Email Address: Ron Cheney roncheney81@gmail.com

We would like to get your website on first page of Google.

All of our processes use the most ethical "white hat" Search Engine Optimization techniques that will not get your website banned or penalized.
Please reply and I would be happy to send you a proposal.