DISCLAIMER: All information represented on this page has been taken directly from verifed spam email. As spam often contains false information, company names and business addresses shown here might belong to a credible company not involved with spam or the SEO market. Use this information with the understanding that the parties mentioned may not be involved with the offense of spamming or scamming. Above all, be sure to research any company that you choose to deal with, especially if they are web-based.

TIIT Solutions

Comment Spammer
Company Name:
TIIT Solutions
Contact Name:
Niharika Rai
Email Address:
Business Address:
Email Address:

The Nuisance Rating is computed using the period of time from the first and last event, the total number of events, the frequency of events in a given time period, and how recent the last event was. Higher values represent a worse rating.

First Reported:
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Most Recent Spam Email/Comment:

Date Received: 2013-06-13 02:48:04
Return Email Address: tridindiaitsolutions@gmail.com

Subject: Re-Development of Website

Hello,<br>Greetings from TIIT Solutions!<br>As I was randomly going through your website,  I noticed that your website urgently requires a complete redesign & development.<br>At the very outset, let me introduce our company TIIT Solutions, as a leading provider of top-notch Website Redesigning and Redevelopment Services, catering to the diverse requirements of a number of clients across the world. <br>Our brilliant team of IT Experts has over 11 years of experience in this field and follows a systematic and well structured methodology to redesign and redevelop your site based on analyzing your present website, comprehending your exact requirements, redesigning and redevelopment your site, testing and refining, conducting SEO review, analysis, launching your site as well as planning ahead. We develop and design unique and innovative websites to spearhead your organization’s flight to success. We lay special emphasis on providing extremely prompt, courteous and efficient Technical Support to assist you at all junctures.<br>At your request we can send our company profile for your reference. For all your website redesigning and redevelopment needs, please do get in touch with us.<br>Looking forward to hear from you!<br>Best Regards,<br>